About Us

    Energy -ESI is a leading provider of software solutions and consulting services to the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. Based in Dubai, UAE, we support customers across the globe. All of our consultants are experienced financial accountants, petroleum engineers, and IT specialists in the Upstream sector.

    • Software consulting and implementations expertise.
    • Joint Venture Accounting.
    • Authorization for Expenditure
    • Hydrocarbon Accounting 
    • Production Sharing Contract
    • Production Operations.
    • Business process review, design and improvement.
    • ERP and Applications strategy.

Company Overview

Vision Statement

"To help oil and gas companies implement and manage their IT systems more efficiently"

Create maximize output and profitability, upstream oil and gas companies need to be execution-driven. They need to make fast decisions based on quality data, and efficient systems can help them succeed. Energy – ESI is uniquely positioned to assist upstream organizations as they maneuver today's challenging environment.

A company's upstream operations want to get oil and gas out of the ground, to market efficiently, and to make a profit. However, most oil and gas firms feel it is a challenge to get there based on one-time data and robust systems. Energy –ESI offers the most comprehensive package to help upstream companies navigate today's challenging environment.

Mission And Vision


“Technology Solutions for Upstream” Our Mission is to facilitate upstream companies' growth and performance by providing them with the most advanced and innovative technologies. We are providing the most advanced Information Technology Solution for upstream companies in this fast moving and challenging environment

ESI Vision


“Energizing the world's upstream”With our Vision, we want to enable organizations to extract and market oil and gas profitably and efficiently by assisting them in becoming execution-driven organizations.

ESI Vision

Why Choose Us?

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In upstream oil and gas, organizations seek to be execution-driven, enabling them to extract and market oil and gas efficiently and profitably. But being execution-driven isn't easy, Companies need reliable data and robust systems for their decisions. Energy-ESI provides upstream organizations with the best tools to succeed in today's challenging environment. Each of our consultants has extensive experience in the oil and gas sector as a Financial Accountant, Petroleum Engineer, and IT specialist. Leading Oil and Gas companies have relied on Energy-ESI for IT support for the last 14 years. Energy - ESI always values its clients with dignity, success, and respect. We do whatever it takes to ensure the success of our clients. By determining customers' needs and providing them with the best experience.

Energy – ESI offers the most comprehensive package to help upstream companies navigate today's challenging environment. A company's upstream operations want to get oil and gas out of the ground, to market efficiently, and to make a profit. However, most oil and gas firms feel it is a challenge to get there based on one-time data and robust systems.

  • +(971)-4-565-6485

  • sales@energy-esi.com

  • Jumeirah Bay X3, #1401 Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai UAE

  • Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm